Cultural Mosaics: How OTs Fit!



Occupational therapists can: 
- Teach money handling skills, writing cheques, balancing a chequebook, organizing and paying bills, opening and closing accounts, obtaining and use of debit and credit cards
- Perform independent living assessments to determine if client / caregiver is able to manage finances independently or if trusteeship is necessary
- Refer clients to social workers or government officials who may be able to assist them in their concerns
- Making information regarding various methods of income support
Financial and Consumer Agency of Canada

- Information about all aspects of finances (e.g. use of a credit card, obtaining a mortgage) 
- Information for consumers regarding rights, banking, insurance, credit, loans and debt

Immigrant Access Fund

Provides:Microloans to immigrants who need assistance in getting accreditation, upgrading or training to obtain employment

Local Contact:
Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers

Sergio Manrique, Loan Program Coordinator
11713 82 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T58 2V9

Phone: (780) 423-9677
Fax: (780) 477-0614
[email protected]

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

- Financial assistance and loans in the form of The Resettlement Assistance Program

Contact:Catholic Social Services
10709-105 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 2X3
Phone: (780)424-3545 / (780)432-1137

Other Services:

- Immigration Loans Program (ILP) 1(888)242-2100
- Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) 1(888)242-2100
- Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) Loan